This is Doubles event in which teams will be divided into pools to battle it out in a group stage, then top teams in each pool progress to face off for the championship, while the bottom teams compete for the consolation crown. Expect plenty of play time, with each team getting at least 4 matches. Sign up as a Doubles team or as a free agent to get matched with a partner.
- Date: Sunday, Dec 15
- Time: 11:00 am - 1pm
- Level: Level 3 and up (see descriptions below)
- Price: $40 per person
- Player Limit: Capped at 32 players
Find your level:
- Newbie: never played before
- Level 1: (Beginner) learning basic rules & strokes. Limited consistency in rallies
- Level 2: (Beginner + ) beginning to develop control. Can sustain short rallies
- Level 3: (Intermediate) fairly consistent with shots. Can place serves, returns and can occasionally control depth
- Level 4: (Intermediate +) good directional control. Moderate consistency with third shot drops. Understand some strategy
- Level 5: (Advanced) consistently executes offensive and defensive shots with power and precision